Happy National Puppy Day!


By Hannah Johnson


It’s National Puppy Day today—the annual excuse for everyone to post photos of their pets to social media (not that most need an excuse). Never ones to be left out, we decided to find a cute puppy for the day.

So, meet King Louie! He’s a 6-month-old American pit bull/terrier-mix ready for adoption at the Baltimore Humane Society. He’s playful and loves to socialize—especially if you are in possession of a squeaky toy.

Pets make a wonderful, loving addition to any family. If your family is one that loves to play outside and snuggle inside, then this little one (in age, if not in size) is the perfect choice. Added bonus: you can use his historical name to teach kids some European history—you’re up on your French monarchs of the 1700s, right?

If you’re looking to add a pet to your family, whether King Louie or another lucky animal, check out the Baltimore Humane Society at bmorehumane.org.