Come see what summer fun looks like!


Summer at Friends offers a variety of exciting day camps for children ages 4 to 13 on Friends School of Baltimore’s beautiful 35 acre campus. There are traditional day camps, featuring a mix of activities ranging from art to swimming, as well as specialty camps focusing on drama, visual arts, robotics, makerspaces, technology, and sports! Camp groups are intentionally kept small, allowing for lots of personal attention from terrific counselors and teachers. All of the camps include lunch, snack, and daily on-site swimming!

Imagine a sun-filled summer afternoon outdoors at the pool learning to swim or perhaps on the tennis courts working on your backhand stroke. Imagine creating artistic masterpieces or honing your acting and improv skills.Imagine learning programming, digital design, and fundamentals of digital photography and video. Summer fun comes in many forms – and you can find almost all of them at Summer at Friends! Some popular programs include:

Senior Camp is an amazing adventure for ages 10 to 13, featuring daily art, science, tennis, activity, and plenty of time for socializing and friendship!

Sports Camp is designed for aspiring athletes ages 7 to 11. It includes a mix of instruction and game play in a variety of sports and skills including basketball, baseball, flag football, and soccer. Sports camp takes advantage of an expansive turf field, baseball diamond, tennis courts, and gymnasium, all of which are located on campus.

If you are looking for improve and drama, Take Two is available for ages 9 – 13 during the Session A; and Imagination Alive (ages 7 – 10) is available during the Session B

A variety of specialized creative technology camps are also available.  Options include:

-Pix & Flix, focused on digital photography, video, and editing (ages 9 – 13)

– Robots & Rockets, focused on building and programming robots and constructing and launching model rockets. (ages 7 – 13)

-Tech Tapas, which offers the opportunity for 7 to 10-year-olds to explore a variety of creative activities such as digital art and audio recording in a self-paced environment.

See our complete camp line up and learn more at


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