99 Days of Summer!


There are 99 days of summer and 99 opportunities to do something fun. Here are a few ideas for this week.

June 24: Learn a new card game. (Visit pagat.com to learn games, rules, number of players, etc.)

June 25: Gather a few friends and download the “Head’s Up!” app.

June 26: Pour some salt (or sugar) into a shallow plastic container and let your kids practice writing letters or sight words with their fingers. It’s like a homemade etch-a-sketch. Shake the container to erase and re-write.

June 27: Stop to smell the flowers.

June 28: Take a moment to appreciate a beautiful sunset and show it to your children.

June 29: Go to a drive-through coffee shop and create a random act of kindness by paying for the order of the car behind you. Imagine out loud how surprised and happy the recipient will be. Show your kids how good it feels to do something nice for someone even when you have nothing personally to gain.

June 30: Invite friends for a slumber party.

Activities for June 17 to 23


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